Changing Kid's Lives One Person at a Time... ... Dec 10, 2023

She is Mónica Viviana and she is 12 years old. Currently she lives under the bridge named “madre Laura” and she one of the girls that are part of our non-profit TransformaSion.

She participates at the community food center that we have set up for more than 2 years under the bridge. Also she benefits of all the activities we provide as a non-profit; those activities teach her about Jesus and about His inmense love and have helped her to transform her life, thoughts and dreams.

Her life has been impacted thanks to God and to all the people that support TransformaSion. She is a girl that is growing full of love and hope. God has started a work in her and as Philipians 1:6 says, we believe that He will finish that work. She is really a testimony of the unconditional love of God and His mercy.